500 error that I cannot understand

Started by Knu, February 10, 2007, 09:01:36 PM

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Has there been any weirdness on Cyclone? I've installed the very same software for another site on cyclone with no problems. However, I couple of nights ago I tried installing this software, and would receive 500 errors when I tried accessing the installer page. I gave up, but tonight, without overwriting the files, up popped the installer for the content management system! Somewaht puizzled, but happy, I created the DB, the software reported all is well, but when I tried accessing the admin page, I again received the 500 error. I've tried a further 3 times without success.

I would have assumed some other problem, but given the weird 500 error from a couple of nights ago, and it seemingly correcting itself, I thought I'd ask the question.



This is resolved, I think. It's still weird though. It appears to be a problem with the .htaccess file that came with the software. The odd thing is that when I copied across the file from another installation, from another site on the same server, it all worked as it should. The content of files are identical! ???


I was going to mention htaccess or incorrect file permissions (everything should be less than or equal to 755).

If the files were identical, were they uploaded differently maybe (binary vs. ascii)?  Or with different permissions?


I unzipped the files on the server, so no issue with ascii. I set the permissions correctly too. This was on top of the other weirdness with 500 errors when trying to access the setup page, but then I could a couple of days later when I next looked at it.